Yoga Classes

Explore Yoga with Beth


Yoga – a journey of self discovery. Breathe, align, relax.

Zoom or In-person at residence.

Tuesday: 10:00AM-11:30AM
Wednesday: 6:30PM-7:30PM

*8 Classes $160
Sept.6/7-Oct.25/26, Nov.1/2-Dec.13/14
 (drop-in $25)

Email: or fill out Yoga Contact Form for appointment.

 Please indicate date and
time that works for you.



Saturday Yoga w/Beth
In-depth exploration of yoga poses to integrate new ways of being mindful.  Emphasis on Polyvagal Theory and Chronotype. 

Zoom or In person at

Email: or fill out Yoga Contact Form for appointment.

 Please indicate date and
time that works for you.

Saturday: 10AM-2:00PM
Sept.24-Oct.22 ($50)


Meditation through conscious breathing, guided visualizations and focus on the energy body (chakras). Compassionate Inquiry.

1 hour Zoom sessions available.
Monday: 7:00PM-8:00PM
*8 Classes ($160)
Jan.16th/23rd. INquire for access.
(dropin $20)

Email: or fill out Yoga Contact Form for appointment.

 Please indicate date and
time that works for you.


Individual Sessions of Yoga/Meditation
Compassionate inquiry on individual basis.

Email: or fill out Yoga Contact Form for appointment.
Please indicate date and time that works for you.

1 hour Zoom sessions
available. ($70.00hr)
Wednesday: 10:00AM-3:00pm
Thursday: 1:00-3:00pm


Hakomi is a form of assisted self-study including experiments done in mindfulness. A great tool for the journey of self discovery.

1 hour Zoom sessions available.
Wednesday: 10:00AM-3:00pm
Thursday: 1:00-3:00pm
Sessions: $70 hr
Email: or fill out Yoga Contact Form for appointment.

 Please indicate date and
time that works for you. First session (1hr) is free to see if Hakomi is a tool which works for you.

Safe & Sound Protocol 

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) integrates the brain-body connection. Listening to SSP music
helps co-regulate feelings and thoughts by balancing the autonomic nervous system(ANS).

1 hour Zoom sessions available
Wednesday: 10:00AM-3:00pm
Thursday: 1:00-3:00pm

Sessions: $70 hr
Email: or fill out Yoga Contact Form for appointment. Please indicate date and
time that works for you. 

SSP sessions include:
Listening to SSP music for first half hour while learning about Fight, Flight, and Freeze response which is introduced during the first free session. Second half hour explores tools to assist deeper understandings of habitual patterns & reactions.

Become A

YAA Member

In support of the YAA (Yoga Association of Alberta) Beth registers you as a member of the YAA which is included in the price of your FIRST yoga session. As a registered member of the Yoga Association of Alberta (YAA) you support and encourage the growth of yoga in Alberta. The YAA assists in serving those unable to experience yoga and maintaining a high level of expertise of yoga teachers in Alberta along with receiving a quarterly newsletter. Click on the LEARN MORE button below to discover the full array of YAA benefits.
