Beth McCann
Insights, connections to the fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty and the 8 limbs of Yoga supported my journey of self-discovery. As I wrote Awakening Sleeping Beauty, life and writing provided and presented a multitude of insights, ways of seeing the Sacred but most of all loving self. This deepened my connection to my energy body, the chakras. During workshops I saw how fragile we are as human beings moving through life. By expanding my tool kit and discovering the SACRED: Standing and Awake with the Courage to be Real and Express my Divinity I learned to enjoy the spirals of my life journey.

How do yoga and the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty correlate to “waking up” and living consciously? Tune in as Catherine Potter and guest Beth McCann, explore the body-mind practices of Yoga, Hakomi, The Enneagram and of course their connection to Sleeping Beauty.
Beth McCann has written a book of yoga that speaks to many levels of being. We hear her voice through dreams, a fairy tale and also through shadow and light. This is a life time of learning. She has integrated yoga and dream work to create a practice that takes us into her world of mid-life and Crone soul connection. This is more than a how-to- book. It is rather a book of life practices that is sure to take you deep into Self. Just beginning Yoga practice? Awakening Sleeping Beauty will serve as a focus on now and as now becomes tomorrow, and you are a more skilled yoga practitioner? You will find more to keep you in the now. I recommend Awakening Sleeping Beauty as an aid for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
This book brings together the best that yoga has to offer, with an easy to digest understanding of how we can bring our yoga to the world we live in. Beth allows readers into the very private inner world of her own search, discovery and service.
A seasoned senior yoga teacher, Beth has the understanding of how yoga can move people to the deepest places of their being. She is also a practiced and compassionate guide to others as they discover how those places (uncomfortable though they may be) are exactly where most of us need to go in order to find compassion for self and those around us.
Awakening Sleeping Beauty” is an easily read book that can serve as a manual to others who are interested in deepening their understanding of themselves, their spiritual realm, and the healing of humanity. It is a must read for everybody who wants to promote kindness and love and caring in the world.